
International Photography Competitions

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The Production Paradise Spotlight Awards for Photographic Excellence

2020-08-06 19:48
The Production Paradise Spotlight Awards for Photographic Excellence is a photography competition with a unique focus for advertising talent. The Spotlight Awards allow talented photographers more than 50 of some of the most influential creative decision-makers around the globe, acting as the judges.

Photographers may submit imagery in 13 professional categories that include Advertising, Beauty, fashion, etc. There are also two special categories: Shot on Mobile (Capturing an Authentic Moment) and Student (Every Picture Tells a Story). Each category will have a single winner, and all 50+ judges will choose a Grand Prize winner from the professional category winners.

The competition has 13 categories like beauty, cars, advertising, fashion, etc.

Entry Fee: 35 euros for professional photographers and 25 euros for each entry thereafter.
There is over $30,000 worth of prizes, throughout 13 categories, with a chance for one photographer to win over $7,000 in prizes, including $5000 cash.

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