
International Photography Competitions

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Bowness Photography Prize

2020-08-10 19:18
The Bowness Photography Prize is an important survey of contemporary photographic practice and one of the most prestigious prizes in the country, providing Australian artists with the opportunity to exhibit at one of Australia’s leading public galleries.

The MGA Foundation is proud to announce the 2020 Bowness Photography Prize will proceed this year. In 2020 the prize will continue to grow and adapt as it responds to COVID-19 and the significant impact this is having on artists. The MGA Foundation recognises the importance of supporting practicing artists at such a challenging time, and the heightened impact the $30,000 Bowness Photography Prize and $5,000 Smith & Singer People’s Choice Award will have on the recipients.

Please note: Due to the impact of COVID-19 the entry period and exhibition dates have been revised. MGA is following COVID-19 government guidelines and reserves the right to make further alterations in line with government requirements. The award announcement date will be confirmed at a later date.

Entries open
Wednesday 20 May 2020

Entries close
5pm (AEST) Wednesday 8 July 2020

Finalists announced
Thursday 13 August 2020

Exhibition dates
Saturday 31 October 2020 – Sunday 7 February 2021

Submission: https://www.mga.org.au/bowness-prize/info-2020

Thanks for protecting our photographs!