
International Photography Competitions

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International Photography Grant 2020

2020-08-19 14:12

In 2020 we present a new photography grant and we are looking for the best emerging photographers with all kinds of submissions. IPG: Talent of the Year 2020 photo contest delivers no limits on genere, subject, age or location. We only accept series of photographs which are built as a one consistent project. Our idea is to evoke artistic activities. Together, we create space to take creative initiatives and promote new trends in photography. We strive to inspire participants to improve their photographic skills and develop their vision. We believe that each participant has potential and talent waiting to be discovered. International Photography Grant is a platform that allows you to gain experience and enter the world of professional photography. Artists have the opportunity to push their careers forward and be recognized by art galleries, curators, media, and cultural institutions from all over the world.

Fees: Paid

Deadline: 31 August 2020

– Applicant will receive $1000.
– All finalists will receive Certificates of Achievement.

Eligibility: Photographers age 18+ from any country may apply for this Grant.

Copyrights: Applicant own the rights to his photographs and copyright of each image will remain at all times with the photographer.

Theme: Open Theme

Submission:  https://internationalphotogrant.com/

Thanks for protecting our photographs!